6 January 2013


Assalamualaikum. Aku rasa macam nak update luls sebab tu aku update ಥ_ಥ aku nak cerita pasal aku tengok anime semalam luls. wait anime ke? lol -.- aku tak tahu. best lah jugak ಥ_ಥ tajuk dia aku tak ingat tapi aku pasti yang ada perkataan maid. lol perempuan tu pelayan dekat restoren ekceli ;~; Siapa yang pernah tgok? lol. Main character dia kalau tak silap aku nama dia Usui dengan Mika. Siapa yang pernah tengok mesti kenal punya lol. Usui pervert gilosh ಥ_ಥ lol. Aku baru tengok sampai episod 3. Aku ingat laki yang kelas dalam 2-2 tu gay ekceli.... sebab diorang asyik puji Usui je. lol ;~; tapi diorang bukan gay. lol aku forever suka perempuan macam Mika ;~; macam jenis garang gitu. Macam Seo Eungi dalam Innocent Man and aku ada baca manga Strobe Edge lah kalau aku tak silap nama manga tu. Andou dengan Ren hensem gilaaaaa. k tu je aku nak cerita luls. bye. 

5 January 2013


gambar dengan tajuk tak ada kaitan dengan post ni hahahaha k
Assalamualaikum dan hai //

Okay lama betul aku hiatus -.- hampir setahun kalau tak silap aku. so aku tak busy pun ekceli hahaha -.- aku cuma nak tukar skin tapi asyik tertangguh so jadi lambat -.- lepas aku dah edit skin, aku nampak skin yang lagi cantik jadi aku guna skin tu, tapi aku tak puas hati jadi aku carik lagi skin lain and then bam! jumpa yang ni -_- hahahaha. aku jenis yang tak puas hati. oh and dah 2013. Happy new year guys ;_; hahaha wish lambat lol tak apa lah. Kalau aku update pun tak ada orang yang nak baca sebab aku merepek meraban je. lol. Aku tak tau nak cakap apa dah ni. Eh bukan cakap. taip ;_; aku tak start sekolah lagi ekceli. aku start hari isnin ni -.- entah kenapa aku rasa nervous lol. aku rasa sebab aku takut orang pandang rendah dekat aku kot ._. aku bukan suka sangat pun sekolah baru aku ._. menyampah ada lah. lol okay.

Hari ni hari jadi Yoseob ;_; odg first love aku taww. lol k. dia dah jadi bias aku selama 4 tahun ;_; aku tak reti nak wish panjang-panjang ;_; fail. lagipun aku dah wish dekat twitter. ahahaha. Ada sebab lain jugak ekceli kenapa aku hiatus kat dalam dunia blog ni. ewah lol -.- aku tolong cousin aku edit blog. aku memang selalu tolong dia ;_; and wifi tak bayar... tsk masa tu aku dekat rumah nenek, aku selalu jugak pergi rumah nenek sebab nak guna wifi. HAHA. wifi tu mak aku yang pasang dekat rumah nenek aku. sebab masa mak ayah aku bercerai mak aku duduk kat rumah nenek. sama jugak dengan cousins aku. and mak aku beli pc jugak. bila mak ayah aku kahwin balik, mak aku bawak pc balik rumah so ada dua pc. horhor. lol -.-

ewah panjang pulak entry ni -.- aku ingat nak taip sikit je -.- oh btw, siapa yang pergi GDA? aku pun pergi jugak *o* hahahahaha. kfine aku acah je lol -.- gila aku nak pergi GDA. Mak ayah aku mana bagi aku pergi keh aku tak tau nak taip apa dah. lenguh jari aku lol -.- nanti aku update lah. kalau rajin. harhar.

Bye guise.

1 October 2012


Assalamualaikum //

lol hai. ehem. lama tak jenguk blog ni. lol dah berhabuk. actually, aku tak update sebab aku merancang nak tukar skin baru. tapi tak tukar-II jugak sampai lah sekarang. jeng. lol terang sangat ke skin ni? -.- masalahnya, aku suka sangat warna kelabu lol. and aku dah malas nak cari skin lain HAHA. Bagi aku skin ni comel. oh. yang bias list tu credit to Wana. Comel kann? lol. Page tu tempat tuto dgan freebies actually. Tapi aku tak buat benda tu. Aku tukar jadi bias list nyahaha. lol dah.

Oh oh. Btw, aku ada bias baru. HAHAHA. Biasalah kpopper bias semua banyak. Gambar atas tu bias aku letew. lol. comel kan? apahal aku pergi promote bias dekat sini. lol biarlah. Yang rambut putih tu nama Hyuk. Sorang lagi tu, Ken. Actually, aku ada 6 bias baru. HAHA. Semua member VIXX. Lol aku sayang semua keh. Ada sorang member vixx neh, dia neh susah sangat nak senyum. lol. Nama dia Leo

Leo yang pakai baju putih tu. lol macam la korang tak tau -.- Sekarang ni, aku tergila-gilakan Leo. HAHA. omg aku paling suka lelaki yang loner cenggitu. eh lol. Leo ni suka budak kecik. Aku tengok show diorang, Leo gelak masa dia main dengan budak kecik tu. aku ulang sekali lagi, dia GELAK. Leo dengan N, leader vixx, pun terkejut tengok dia gelak lol. Dia memang nampak garang, tapi suara dia. alah. comel je. nyahaha. Hyuk pulak takut dengan Leo. tengok gif bawah. HAHA

Lol Hyuk -.- sampai cenggitu sekali. HAHA. Tengok Leo. Dia senyum ;_; lol lawak ah aku tengok diorang ni. lol. awkward sangat
VIXX may not be the most popular rookie group, but VIXX is one heck of a lucky, inspirational, and thoughtful group. Being able to be a guest in a concert and perform in the states, that is just phenomenal. Plus, the stories of how each member got to be where they are now, is just so touching. And especially the thoughtfulness of them. Giving away their gifts from their fans to charity, that is just so inspirational. You don;t see many groups like VIXX nowadays. I truly believe VIXX will go far one day and become legendary. I’m really happy to say that i am part of this fandom and will forever be in this fandom. I just wish everyone would realize how spectacular these boys are.

Bye guise ;o; 

27 July 2012

Midnight Sun

Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo 

Ni post pertama aku untuk bulan neh ;A; Lama kan tak update blog ? lmao. Aku busy fangirling actually. Ngahaha. B2ST punya comeback omg. Takkan aku nak buat tak tahu je ? Diorang first love aku. HAHA. Serious, konsep diorang kali neh memang ughh. Serious beshh gila. Lagu Not me tu best ! Midnight pun. ;A; eh wait. Beautiful Night pun besttttt. ASDFGHK semua besttttt. omg. 

Hari neh comeback diorang dekat MuBank. T.T aku tak boleh tengok. Nasib badan tsk. Tunggu orang upload dekat YT je lah. Arghh. Tak apa , yang penting boleh tengok. HAHA. Btw, B2ST ada dekat dream team. OMG. Aku nak tengokkk. Entah bila keluar kat KBS. Yoseob gila comel HAHA omg. Bias pertama aku tu. asdfghjkl; 

Dua hari lepas , aku tengok Running Man ep 104 yang ada Dujun. HAHA. Serious lawak. Yang tak boleh bla Lee Joon menyorok dalam kotak dah la dia yang kejar. Last-2 Idol team menang. Wohoo. Mesti ah aku sokong Idol Team. Ngahahha. Dah la sekarang neh aku terjatuh cinta dengan Dujun ;A; Kat tumblr aku pulak , aku banyak reblog gambar Joker. Entah kenapa. Muahaha.

Aku dah tengok video practice Beautiful Night degan Not Me tu. Asdfgh. Prepix's choreo are so awesome. Fav dance aku kat lagu Not Me tu yang gif atas tu dengan diorang pusing tu ._. yang masa chorus. Tak silap aku lah. HAHA. Yoseob ada solo dance omg. So cooll ;A; Comel je dia pakai tank top rainbow besar tuh. HAHA. Macam budak kecik.

Dance Beautiful Night pun awesome ;A; omg. Joker forever cool. So much swag. HAHA. Yoseob gila comel dalam tu . TT.TT asdfghjk; me love Yoseob forever. Seriously, how can he be so cute ? 

little dork in sideway cap and rainbow tank <3

12 July 2012


Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo . 

Yesterday was Teen Top's second anniversary . Wuuu . I kinda late ;_;  anyways two years already. That’s quite a lot of time, but they make it seem like just a couple of months. Maybe because they are still the same playful kids that debuted back in 2010. Of course Teen Top have matured too, but they still keep that charm that makes them unique. Thanks for Teen Top hard work, their smiles, their tears, their derps, everything.

2 years ago, on the 10th of July, six angels came together to become one. one team, one heart, one mission. their love has spread around the world, especially to us, Angels. you have successfully passed those difficult times. though you have to shed tears or fall countless time. but we knew it, you guys can show to the world who you really are. Happy 2nd Year Anniversary my OT6!

You’ve transformed countless times since 2010, and grew so much each time. Continue growing strongly, boys… You’re transforming into wonderful men.  You guys mean the whole world to me. No words can express how much of an impact you guys have made in my life. I love you 6 so much, thank you so much for being a part of my life

What’s something Teen Top wants to do until they die?

Chunji: We want to do this until we die.
Niel: Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years. Like Shinhwa sunbaes, no, we want to last even longer than that.
Ricky: Our goal is an endless friendship.

9 July 2012

Update ಥ_ಥ

Forever minat Harry Potter ;~;

Assalamualaikum .

Semalam kawan aku , Farah a.k.a Bini Chanhee tunjuk gambar Changjo kiss . HAHA Lol . Nak mencarut tengok gambar tu. Tapi aku tak jadi mencarut instead , aku tergelak macam orang gila lol k. Sebab Changjo kiss Niel . HAHA . Lepas tu Farah bagi aku video diorang kiss tu. Tersembur air liur aku. HAHA k. Nah. Cer tengok video tu ;


Serious lawak . Aku paling suka part Niel buat muka sedih tu. HAHA lol. Macam siot je muka. Kah3. Btw , diorang bukan kiss betul-betul pun. Changjo letak dia punya jari di antara bibir diorang. HAHA. Eh wait. Kalau kiss betul-betul agak2 macam mana eh ? Bibir Niel dah la sexy. Lol okay stop ಥ_ಥ . Nanti entah sampai ke mana. Lol

Tadi aku baru tengok Teaser NU'EST Action . HOHO . OMG REN GILA HENSEM . HAHA . Actually aku suka Minhyun lol. Dua dua hensem. kahkahkah. Tak sabar nak tunggu lagu baru diorang omg. Aku dari tadi ulang teaser yang satu minit tu. Aku dah ingat dah lirik dia ._. lol. Aku tak tengok pun lirik dia. Main ingat macam tu je. Wait. Aku dah malas nak menaip ಥ_ಥ HAHA. Kbai

6 July 2012


Assalamualaikum / 

Hello guiseee. Dah lama aku tak update. Same reason , aku malas. pftt. Tapi aku tak private kan blog pun. Aku dah tuka skin blog. Simple je ;~; aku forever suka skin cenggini. Hoho. Bersih cenggitu ;~; tak serabut mata memandang. Weh weh. Jangan pandang lama sangat gambar sidebar aku tu. Lol -.- Tu ayam aku tu. harhar. 

Bai de weeii, aku nak cakap neh. Bulan ni ramai kpop artist buat comeback ;_; Aku baru dengar lagu 2NE1, T-ARA ngan LED APPLE je. Me forever suka Hwayoung , Sooyeon ngan Hyomin ;__; ASDFGHK. Ta-ra asyik asyik buat MV drama lol. To be continued ..... benci aku tengok. HAHAHA. Whatevurrr. Lol gediknya. Pfttt. Yang penting aku suka lagu Day By Day tu. Hwayoung rap ToT forever cool okayy ?

Mesti korang dah tau malam ni showcase B.A.P kan ? HAHA. Aku tak rasa sedih pun tak dapat pergi showcase tu. HAHA. Maybe sebab ni ,

Tekan untuk tumbesaran yang mendadak.

LOL. Paham tak ? Kalau tak paham , meh nak explain. Si Meera ngan yg lain neh pergi Hari Belia dulu , so dia dapat jumpa Teen Top. Aku memang frust gila. Memang aku nangis. Lol. Pastu masa diorang tak online sebab aku ngan orang-2 yang tak dapat pegi , spam diorang punya noti. HAHA and then , malam ni diorang pulak frust sebab tak dapat pegi showcase tu. HAHAHA. 

Serious , keadaan dia sama macam keadaan aku masa tak dapat pergi Hari Belia. Memang sebijikk. keh lol ;~; padan muka dia. Lol. Jahatnya aku . HAHAHA. 

Aku nak cakap ni , yang si Changjo tu dah lawan Ljoe -.- aku sayang Ljoe lagi . Tapi Changjo sayang Changjo lebih. HAHA. Changjo forever evil and comel ok ? Lol. Ljoe pun ;~; L.JOE AND HIS PURPLE HAIR AND HIS FOREVER SEXY + INNOCENT FACE. I CAN'T TAKE IT. Haaa. Aku nak tengok Harry Potter. Walaupun dah tgk Berulang kali, Tetap ohhsemm!

15 June 2012


Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo ~

Happy Birthday Shin Dongwoo | 생일축하합니다 신동우
B1A4’s Umma & Gom, our darling CNU ne? Happy Birthday Oppa! Even though I should be your noona, it’s better for me to call you Oppa ne? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aigoo. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I should write here, failing to think of the right words time and time again. But anything that is written here is from the heart ok? Even though it seems like I haven’t been a fan of you or your group for long, that’s not true.

I’ve been watching B1A4 from the sidelines since their debut. Even though I tried to resist, for stupid reasons, I finally realised in the past few months that it was wrong to ignore my feelings. B1A4 have given me a new love for Kpop that had been waning. It made me see the good in the music industry that had honestly caused me a lot of pain. And CNU you were the one who made everything better. You’re strong and willing to do anything for the sake of your fans - even if it’s something that would cause you embarrassment. 

Your obvious adoration for your members is something I deeply respect you for. You’re so talented and you’re a perfect hyung to Jinyoung, Baro, Sandeul & Gongchan. I keep watching you carefully and I keep falling for your charms more and more and I’m happy. Watching your stages and your variety brings a lot of smiles to all your fans, keep being you ne? I don’t know what else to say and I know I’m rambling. Just, someday I will be there to see you. Your voice is sweet and your swag is cute. Ne, CNU Oppa, I’ll always be here to support you. Even if my friends do tease me for it.

7 June 2012

Contest Blog Super Kawai by Bubu

Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo /

Dah tengok tajuk pun dah tau. HAHA. Aku nak join contest and aku dijemput oleh tuan blog sendiri. Lol. Aku tak tau comel ke tidak blog aku ni. Hitam putih je. HAHA. Aku dah ikut semua syarat. Lol. Sekarang aku nak tag ;

Woot. Aku tak tau nak tag sape. Random tag. Lol. Sorry. Kbai ._.

6 June 2012


Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo

Hello guysssss. Guess what ? today is uri B2ST Maknae birthday . Son Dongwoon ! Happy birthday lovely WoonWoon, I wish all the best for you.Be a dorky lovely bug-fearless sweetie as always (っ◕ヮ◕)っ♥
#SonNamShinDay . I hope you know you are amazing the way you are and everyday I am so proud of you ;~; ♥ I just hope you get all the happiness that you deserve and even more, because you’re a GOOD MAN! Never stop smiling!

I honestly don’t know where to start… I never know. There’s so much I want to say but words aren’t enough… Oh how I love you Woonie ♥‿♥

You are very special to me. You’ve been a part of me… Living in this same planet with you makes me feel really close to you. Son Dongwoon, you’re everything to me. You’ll always be my favorite one!
Whenever I see you, and you’re sad, I cry… I… I just want to hug you and say that it’ll all be okay.
You are the sweetest person I’ve ever seen, you really have a big heart… You always make me smile, always! Sometimes I still stare at you, amazed and absolutely enchanted… I love you, Woonie, and you make me proud to call myself a swooner.

I’m so proud of you, proud of your determination. You never disappoint me! Thank you for giving me the chance to see you personally and can be sure how real and perfect you are. I’ll never forget you.
And I want to tell you “Thank you“… Thank you for being the person you are. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your wonderful voice. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my life. Thank you for brightening my world. Thank you so much for existing. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you, Dongwoon! ♥

I wish you only the best and hope you get everything you wish and dream in your life. Keep being awesome, and always take care! ♥
Happy Birthday , Son Dongwoon. I love you.

5 June 2012

Contest : Blog Paling Awesome

Klik banner kalau nak join

Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo

Woot woot. Tadi aku blogwalking jumpa contest ni. Lol. Jadi aku nak join , aku tak tau blog aku ni awesome ke idakk. Lol. Biasa je kot. Aku nak mencuba nasib. Kekeke. Mana tau menang. InsyaAllah. Hadiah dia pun awesome. Harharhar

Ni syarat syarat dia ;
1. Warganegara Malaysia
2. Mempunyai Blog
3. WAJIB Follow blog APIS and FIFAH *bagi mudah kami beritahu update contest nak follow klik je nama tu*
4. Tekan button like FB apis dan Gades Pizza fifah . *tak wajib , tapi di galakkan*
5. Buat satu entry bertajuk "Contest : Blog Paling Awesome".
6. Letak banner di atas dan link kan ke entry Apis (Jika anda dari blog Apis) ke entry Fifah (Jika anda dari blog Fifah)
7. Hantar link entry korang ke ruangan komen entry ini (Jika anda dari blog Apis komen dekat entry ini) dan (Jika anda dari blog Fifah komen dekat entry beliau )
8. Sebarang link tidak diterima melalaui cbox .
9. Contest bermula dari 1 JUNE 2012 . tarikh tutup akan diberitahu kemudian
10. Contest ini automatik akan terbatal jika penyertaan kurang dari 30 .
Aku orang Korea . Puih perasan . HAHA. Syarat-syarat dia tak susah sangat. Hohoho. Jeng jeng ! Aku nak tunjuk cara dia pilih pemenang . Hadiah pandai2 la korang tekan banner kat atas tu kalau nak tengok hadiah. HAHA
1. Blog tak berat and tak lambat loading *aspek yang paling penting yang akan kami nilai*
2. Blog kemas dan tak banyak widget yang mengarut .
3. Entry contest yang menarik dan mesra :)
Blog aku berat ke ? Lol. Entah. kekeke. Blog aku takda widget kot and tak kemas sangat. Pfttt. Lol. Entry aku banyak yg aku merepek meraban. HAHA. Lol. Kbai.


Assalamualaikum. Aku rasa macam nak update luls sebab tu aku update  ಥ_ಥ aku nak cerita pasal aku tengok anime semalam luls. wait anime...