15 June 2012


Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo ~

Happy Birthday Shin Dongwoo | 생일축하합니다 신동우
B1A4’s Umma & Gom, our darling CNU ne? Happy Birthday Oppa! Even though I should be your noona, it’s better for me to call you Oppa ne? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aigoo. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I should write here, failing to think of the right words time and time again. But anything that is written here is from the heart ok? Even though it seems like I haven’t been a fan of you or your group for long, that’s not true.

I’ve been watching B1A4 from the sidelines since their debut. Even though I tried to resist, for stupid reasons, I finally realised in the past few months that it was wrong to ignore my feelings. B1A4 have given me a new love for Kpop that had been waning. It made me see the good in the music industry that had honestly caused me a lot of pain. And CNU you were the one who made everything better. You’re strong and willing to do anything for the sake of your fans - even if it’s something that would cause you embarrassment. 

Your obvious adoration for your members is something I deeply respect you for. You’re so talented and you’re a perfect hyung to Jinyoung, Baro, Sandeul & Gongchan. I keep watching you carefully and I keep falling for your charms more and more and I’m happy. Watching your stages and your variety brings a lot of smiles to all your fans, keep being you ne? I don’t know what else to say and I know I’m rambling. Just, someday I will be there to see you. Your voice is sweet and your swag is cute. Ne, CNU Oppa, I’ll always be here to support you. Even if my friends do tease me for it.

7 June 2012

Contest Blog Super Kawai by Bubu

Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo /

Dah tengok tajuk pun dah tau. HAHA. Aku nak join contest and aku dijemput oleh tuan blog sendiri. Lol. Aku tak tau comel ke tidak blog aku ni. Hitam putih je. HAHA. Aku dah ikut semua syarat. Lol. Sekarang aku nak tag ;

Woot. Aku tak tau nak tag sape. Random tag. Lol. Sorry. Kbai ._.

6 June 2012


Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo

Hello guysssss. Guess what ? today is uri B2ST Maknae birthday . Son Dongwoon ! Happy birthday lovely WoonWoon, I wish all the best for you.Be a dorky lovely bug-fearless sweetie as always (っ◕ヮ◕)っ♥
#SonNamShinDay . I hope you know you are amazing the way you are and everyday I am so proud of you ;~; ♥ I just hope you get all the happiness that you deserve and even more, because you’re a GOOD MAN! Never stop smiling!

I honestly don’t know where to start… I never know. There’s so much I want to say but words aren’t enough… Oh how I love you Woonie ♥‿♥

You are very special to me. You’ve been a part of me… Living in this same planet with you makes me feel really close to you. Son Dongwoon, you’re everything to me. You’ll always be my favorite one!
Whenever I see you, and you’re sad, I cry… I… I just want to hug you and say that it’ll all be okay.
You are the sweetest person I’ve ever seen, you really have a big heart… You always make me smile, always! Sometimes I still stare at you, amazed and absolutely enchanted… I love you, Woonie, and you make me proud to call myself a swooner.

I’m so proud of you, proud of your determination. You never disappoint me! Thank you for giving me the chance to see you personally and can be sure how real and perfect you are. I’ll never forget you.
And I want to tell you “Thank you“… Thank you for being the person you are. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your wonderful voice. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my life. Thank you for brightening my world. Thank you so much for existing. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you, Dongwoon! ♥

I wish you only the best and hope you get everything you wish and dream in your life. Keep being awesome, and always take care! ♥
Happy Birthday , Son Dongwoon. I love you.

5 June 2012

Contest : Blog Paling Awesome

Klik banner kalau nak join

Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo

Woot woot. Tadi aku blogwalking jumpa contest ni. Lol. Jadi aku nak join , aku tak tau blog aku ni awesome ke idakk. Lol. Biasa je kot. Aku nak mencuba nasib. Kekeke. Mana tau menang. InsyaAllah. Hadiah dia pun awesome. Harharhar

Ni syarat syarat dia ;
1. Warganegara Malaysia
2. Mempunyai Blog
3. WAJIB Follow blog APIS and FIFAH *bagi mudah kami beritahu update contest nak follow klik je nama tu*
4. Tekan button like FB apis dan Gades Pizza fifah . *tak wajib , tapi di galakkan*
5. Buat satu entry bertajuk "Contest : Blog Paling Awesome".
6. Letak banner di atas dan link kan ke entry Apis (Jika anda dari blog Apis) ke entry Fifah (Jika anda dari blog Fifah)
7. Hantar link entry korang ke ruangan komen entry ini (Jika anda dari blog Apis komen dekat entry ini) dan (Jika anda dari blog Fifah komen dekat entry beliau )
8. Sebarang link tidak diterima melalaui cbox .
9. Contest bermula dari 1 JUNE 2012 . tarikh tutup akan diberitahu kemudian
10. Contest ini automatik akan terbatal jika penyertaan kurang dari 30 .
Aku orang Korea . Puih perasan . HAHA. Syarat-syarat dia tak susah sangat. Hohoho. Jeng jeng ! Aku nak tunjuk cara dia pilih pemenang . Hadiah pandai2 la korang tekan banner kat atas tu kalau nak tengok hadiah. HAHA
1. Blog tak berat and tak lambat loading *aspek yang paling penting yang akan kami nilai*
2. Blog kemas dan tak banyak widget yang mengarut .
3. Entry contest yang menarik dan mesra :)
Blog aku berat ke ? Lol. Entah. kekeke. Blog aku takda widget kot and tak kemas sangat. Pfttt. Lol. Entry aku banyak yg aku merepek meraban. HAHA. Lol. Kbai.

2 June 2012


Aku rasa aku suka kat Changjo sekarang . Lol . Tengok kat sidebar tu . Ada gif Changjo dance *O*
Assalamualaikum + Annyeonghaseyo .

Hooooiii . Dah lama tak update and aku privatekan blog aku ngehehehe. Jeng jeng ! aku tukar skin lagu pun tuka . Hohoho . Dah Lama aku tak tuka skin . Tadi aku tengok Teen Top Secret Island ngan Super Spontan . Ljoe ngan Ricky comel gila !! Serious , memang comel . Macam budak budak . Lol . Diorang memang budak budak pun. Ehem.

Semalam aku tak tengok Super Spontan sebab tengok Alice in Wonderland. Nama sama macam nama sepupu aku . HAHA . Gila pelik kepala kakak Queen White tu lol. Betul ke Queen White ? Eh . Entah aku tak ingat. Aku happy tengok Zizan menang walaupun aku nak Johan menang. Kahkahkah. Aku forever suka JoZan ♥ Diorang tak boleh dipisahkan. Hohoho.

Aku dah addict ngan Teen Top balik. Mentang mentang diorang buat comeback. Kahkahkah. Nanti bila BEAST buat comeback mesti aku spazzing pasal diorang je. Tengok ah nanti. Tapi kalau aku tak suka lagu comeback diorang maybe aku tak spazzing pasal diorang macam dulu kot. Ahaha.

Hotness overload. Ngahaha. Budak bawah umur dilarang tengok. Wakaka
Pasal MV Teen Top pulak , Aku suka MV dia. Pompuan dalam MV tu pun cool. Aku suka pompuan macam tu. Aku suka dia daripada Soohyun. Ehemm. Btw , aku geram gila masa part ChunJoe tu. Dekat gila muka diorang. They are staring deep in each other eyes. Urghh. I just want to push their heads together. Don't you ?! Kehh. Bajet speaking. Lol. Oh my english ! -.-

Keh , aku dah tak ingat apa aku nak cakap tadi. HAHA. Lol. Semalam aku tengok video Changjo ajar dance wave tu. Lol. To be honest , memang dia sexy . Lol. Aku tak percaya dia maknae. HAHA. Changjo lagu mature dari Ricky. HAHA. Takpe , Ricky comel. asdfghjkl .

Eh kejap. Sejak bila aku update panjang cenggini ? Tak pernah kot panjang macam ni. AHAHA. Aku rajin sangat kot hari ni -.- Hohoho. Kbaii. Ricky comel Changjo pun. Lol.


Assalamualaikum. Aku rasa macam nak update luls sebab tu aku update  ಥ_ಥ aku nak cerita pasal aku tengok anime semalam luls. wait anime...